Changing your credit card information

How do I change the expiration date on my credit card or enter a different credit card?

You can change your credit card information at any time. To change the expiration date, you will need to cancel your current card and enter the information for the new card (with new exp. date). Here’s how":

  1. On the "My Waqi" page (when you are logged in) scroll down to a panel called "Payment" with a "Change Payment Method" button (if you have a subscription). Please click on that.

  2. It should load a Braintree section (payment system) where it shows your existing card. Click the "edit" button on the top right of that Braintree section.

  3. Delete your old card by clicking the big red X on that card. To confirm hit the "Delete" button.

  4. Then add your new card, and click update payment.

What if my card expires before I resubscribe?

If your card expires and you did not change your card before it expired, you will need to resubscribe. To do this you will need to do the following:

  1. Login into your wa-qi.com account like normal

  2. Click on the red "Subscribe" button on the bottom left of the dropdown menu

  3. Select Monthly Subscription by clicking the "Subscribe" button. (Note: You can not claim free trial as you are already a prior member)

  4. Re-fill out the payment information and click the "Submit" button.

If you have any other specific questions, please contact us.