WaQi for Sound Sleep
T’ai Chi and Qigong for Sound Sleep is a combination of guided stillness practices—standing, sitting and lying down—and gentle moving exercises.
The focus is on reducing stress and tension, cultivating deep relaxation and nurturing tranquil energy. The complementary practices of stillness and movement maximize the benefits of each and lead to deeper and restorative sleep. Sound sleep is necessary for robust health and well-being.
An NIH funded study demonstrated this program to have significant positive effects on sleep and anxiety. The program was also used at the Mayo Clinic and the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.
“The most effective sleep seminar I have attended. Relaxing movement helps me recognize my tight areas. I have confidence that over time I’ll get regular excellent sleep.” —JA
“For decades I was sleeping for 3-4 hours, at best because of pain. Attending Dr. Yang’s sleep classes opened my eyes to how good sleep improves and controls pain.” —Elvira M.
“My problem was not being able to fall asleep until 4am or so. The night after the class and the next night I had no trouble falling asleep!” —AA