Chen-Style Essential 48 Form

“I do not worry about a person who knows one thousand forms, but I am concerned about a person who knows one form very well.”
—Chinese Martial Art Proverb  

The Chen Style Essential 48 Form was developed by Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang, a legendary Chinese martial artist.  In this well-respected training sequence, he highlighted unique movements from traditional Chen forms and eliminated lengthy repetitions. In addition, he introduced structural and energetic changes to enhance the nurturing character of form practice and to develop enduring power. 

Dr. Yang, a senior disciple of Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang, developed his training system by combining what he learned from his renowned teachers and from his doctoral research in kinesiology, the science of human motion.

Dr. Yang’s training method helps students achieve optimal well being and martial capacity. Each movement is taught in depth and in a way that nurtures health and well-being. This trains students how to prevent injury and pain and creates the proper foundation for push hands and other martial activities.           

Dr. Yang will lead you through the ingredients of each movement. 

Specifically, in each video, Dr. Yang will help you understand and begin to embody wisdom in: 

  • Qì chǎng, 气场, energy field cultivation with clear yi, 意,  intention

  • Nèigōng, 内功, internal power by developing biomechanically sound alignment and unit energy(整体劲, Zhěngtǐ jìn)

  • Dāntián, 丹田, core strength developed through intention, core initiation, and reverse breathing

  • Chán sī jìn , 缠丝劲, Silk Reeling Energy for Push Hands and pain prevention

  • Injury prevention through proper foot placement, body orientation, and relaxation in movement

  • Brain power through learning intricate traditional movements 

  • Application for Push Hands and self defense

“A nurturing approach in martial arts training leads to minimum injury and longevity of internal power.”
—Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang

Wa Qi

Heal and Strengthen the Spine with T’ai Chi & Qigong is a combination of guided stillness practices—standing, sitting and lying down—and gentle moving exercises specifically designed to help relieve and prevent back pain.


Happy New Year of the Rabbit!


From Calamity to Blessing